Course Description
Control of Microstructure Evolution during Sputter-Deposition
- Film growth processes—nucleation, coalescence, competitive grain growth, recrystallization
- Zone diagrams
- Epitaxial growth
- Effects of reactive species
Use of Low-energy Ion Bombardment to Control Microstructure during Low Temperature Film Growth
- Effects of sputtered atoms energy
- Effects of gas ion energy
- Use of high fluxes of low-energy gas ions
- Metal-ion assisted growth – dense, stress-free films
- Use of synchronized bias in HIPIMS
- Kinetic roughing and surface facet formation
- Texture inheritance
- Metal-ion etch and adhesion control
Self-organized Nanostructure Formation
- Thermal segregation and renucleation – random nanocomposites
- Ion-assisted segregation – highly-oriented nanocomposites; equiaxed to columnar transition
- Resputter-yield amplification: HfAlN
- Self-organized 3D superlattices via vacancy ordering
- SiOx Nanowires by ion-enhanced vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth
Who Should Attend?
Graduate students, scientists and engineers who want to learn about control of microstructure during physical vapor deposition.
Ivan Petrov
PhD, D.h.c., Professor
Materials Research Laboratory, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Department of Physics, Linköping University, Sweden