Course Objectives
- Introduce plasmas and their basic properties
- Derive the properties of the plasma boundary (sheath)
- Show the principles of how to generate gas and metal plasmas through discharges
- Establish fundamentals of various plasma diagnostic techniques
- Explain the differences between plasma and ion sources
Course Description
This course on Plasma Basics introduces plasmas and plasma boundaries (sheaths) as widely used in plasma-based physical vapor deposition (PVD). Key terms and properties such as plasma being quasi-neutral with collective particle properties will be explained in simple terms but based on a systematic, scientific foundation such as Maxwell’s equations and conversation laws. Plasma and sheath are described with different concepts including single particle laws of motion as well as kinetic and hydrodynamic theories. Plasma diagnostics e.g. through probes and optical techniques are explained since measuring plasma properties with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution is critical for understanding and controlling plasmas in applications such as the deposition of films and coatings. Finally, since the action of electrons and ions on surfaces is crucial to plasma deposition, various energy regimes are explored including the use of ion sources (which are distinct from plasma sources).
Who Should Attend?
Graduate students, scientists and engineers who want to learn about plasmas in deposition processes.
André Anders
Director, Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering
Leipzig, Germany
Professor of Applied Physics, Felix Bloch Institute
Leipzig, Germany
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Publishing Melville, NY